Employer toolkit
Below are informative guides, handouts and videos to help you prepare for open enrollment and communicate the value of health savings accounts (HSAs), flexible spending accounts (FSAs), and more.
Disclaimer: Please carefully review and ensure the accuracy of any information added or updated to the below materials. WEX is not responsible for any content changes.
Top resources
FSA Open Enrollment Video
FSA and DCA Limits & Regs Handout
DCA Handout/Recurring Claim Form
Why should I get an HSA Video
Commuter Benefits Webinar
HRA Open Enrollment Video
213d HRA Employee Handout
Benefits Mobile App Handout
Benefits Mobile App Handout (Spanish)
Benefits Technology & Resources Handout
Benefits Technology & Resources (Spanish)
Virtual enrollment fairs
Our virtual OE fair sites give your employees an immersive way to learn more about FSAs and HSAs. Just share the link to the fair that reflects the benefit(s) we administer for your employees.
Helpful resources
All resources
Dependent Care Account (DCA)
DCA Handout
DCA Handout (Spanish)
DCA Limits & Regs Handout
DCA Limits & Regs Handout (Spanish)
FSA Grace Period Handout
FSA Grace Period Handout (Spanish)
DCA Webinar Slides
FSA and DCA Webinar Recording (Grace period (FSA only) & Runout)
DCA Webinar Recording (Runout only)
DCA Webinar Recording (Grace Period & Runout)
FSA and DCA Webinar Recording (Carryover (FSA only) & Runout)
Adoption Assistance Slides
Adoption FSA Plan Summary
DCA Open Enrollment
Dependent Care FSA
Participant Use Cases
DCA Childcare Costs
Health Savings Account (HSA)
HSA Handout
HSA Handout (Spanish)
HSA Limits & Regs Handout (2024 IRS Limits)
HSA Limits & Regs Handout (2025 IRS Limits)
HSA Limits & Regs Handout (Spanish)
Securing Your Retirement Handout
Securing Your Retirement Handout (Spanish)
HSA Webinar Slides
HSA Webinar Recording (2025 IRS Limits)
HSA Webinar Recording (2024 IRS Limits)
Getting started with HSA investments – post-enrollment slides
Getting started with blocked HSAs – post-enrollment slides
HSA Slides
Why Should I Get a HSA
Paying for Braces with an HSA
Getting Started With a Health Savings Brokerage Account (HSBA)
Participant Use Cases
HSA-HDHP Basics (Spanish)
Building Investment HSA Handout
Building Investment HSA Handout (Spanish)
HSA-FSA Plan Comparison Chart
HSA Insights
HSA Email Templates
My HSA Planner
My HSA Planner (Spanish)
7 HSA Rules (Spanish)
HSA Transfer Form
Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA)
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
Medical FSA Employee Handout
Medical FSA Employee Handout (Spanish)
Limited FSA Employee Handout
Limited FSA Employee Handout (Spanish)
Combination FSA Employee Handout
Combination FSA Employee Handout (Spanish)
FSA Limits & Regs Employee Handout
FSA Limits & Regs Employee Handout (Spanish)
FSA and DCA Limits & Regs Handout
FSA and DCA Limits & Regs Handout (Spanish)
FSA Grace Period Handout
FSA Grace Period Handout (Spanish)
FSA Carryover Handout
FSA Carryover Handout (Spanish)
Substantiation FAQ
Substantiation FAQ (Spanish)
FSA Webinar Slides
FSA Webinar Recording
FSA Webinar Recording (Grace Period and Runout)
FSA Webinar Recording (Runout only)
FSA Webinar Recording (Carryover and Runout)
Getting started with substantiation – post-enrollment slides
FSA Open Enrollment
Limited FSA Open Enrollment
Combination FSA Open Enrollment
What Is an FSA and How Does It Work?
Paying for Braces with an FSA
Participant Use Cases
FSA Use it Or Lose It Rule
FSA Use it Or Lose It Rule (Spanish)
FSA Email Templates
Commuter Benefits
Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSA)
Please share with us any feedback you have on the materials provided or suggest any topics you would like to see covered in the future.